Thursday, February 18, 2010

Semper Paratus

Plugging in...

A little behind on your Latin? Always ready. That's the slogan of many organizations including our mighty USA Coast Guard. And it should be a motto to compute by as well.

My constant preaching of backing up computers hit home with a client this month. They bought a backup unit as suggested, and also employed an online backup as a backup to their backup. Double protection, it can't hurt.

Buying a backup unit is half the job, setting it up for use is usually more difficult for the average user than making the purchase. Though sometimes myriad choices of all things computer can boggle the consumer as they try to spend money.

The Tutor was asked to whip the backup into place, selecting the correct scheduling settings and choosing/finding the files to backup up. And when the Tutor arrived at the client's location, guess what happened?



THE BACKUP unit was off-site, at their home, in a drawer!

ALWAYS REMEMBER: before calling for help - is it plugged in, is it ON-SITE, and is it turned on?


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