Saturday, October 23, 2010

The Internet Burglar

Plugging in...

The client came home from work on a Friday. The computer was left on overnight. The desktop was completely changed, no icons, a swirling gray and black background, never seen before. The culprit? The Internet Burglar!

Who you ask? The client so deemed the intruder, though the client also conceded it may have been the dog walker. The dog walker? Doubtful, but as we all know, anything is possible.

What really happened was a series of WINDOWS automatic updates, scheduled for, you guessed it, on Fridays. The apparent mix of updates reset the Windows Welcome screen to the original screen, right-out-of-the-box, vanilla, no nothing on the screen.

The client didn't exactly panic, but did express severe distaste for what the "Internet Burglar" did to the screen. The background image of the client's son? Gone to gray. Every icon and shortcut? Gone to gray. Clean and uncluttered, an organizer's dream, a client's nightmare.

The quickest solution was to use Windows restore which placed the computer back in time, the day before the visit of said "burglar" also known as Windows Updates. Sometimes those needed updates do wreak a bit of havoc. But without them, the dangers are FAR worse.

ALWAYS REMEMBER: before calling for help - is it plugged in, was it the "internet burglar", and is it turned on?


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