Friday, February 25, 2011

Stand by Your Modem

Plugging in...

While Tammy Wynette is famous for Stand by Your Man - a recent client was singing the Comcast blues while standing by the modem. It all started with a visit from a Comcast technician to fix a digital TV problem. Who knew that when the tech left, there would be an Internet problem!

The TV problem was a minor issue, quickly resolved. The TV though, was located in the same room as the Comcast Internet modem. Usually not a problem. In this case, the technician moved the modem out of his way while working on the TV, then put it back when he was finished. Nothing was unplugged, yet the modem failed to connect to the Internet. Of course no one thought to check the Internet connection before the technician left the premises. Note to self: always check Internet after a tech visit.

First line of defense was taken without the Tutor on-site which was: unplug the power to the modem, wait 30 seconds for it to recycle and plug the power back in. Didn't do anything to reconnect to the Internet.

The problem? The modem was in STANDBY mode. It got that way when the technician accidentally pressed the standby button which is located on TOP of the modem (hard to see - same color as the modem) when he moved the modem out of his way to fix the TV problem. With one tiny push of the button, all the lights on the modem came back on, and stayed on. The Internet was BACK!

While in standby mode, there is only one light lit on the modem and it is amber. If one recycles the modem, as described above, all the modem lights come on briefly, then turn off... except for the amber light. It does say standby near the light, too.

ALWAYS REMEMBER: before calling for help - is it plugged in, is the modem in standby mode, did the tech test the internet before leaving, and is it turned on?


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