Friday, May 13, 2016

Carbonite's Polka Dots

Plugging in... 

Carbonite users are familiar with the yellow (looks more like amber) and green dots that the online backup service places on each file and/or folder that is part of the backup service, right? They look like mini polka dots, top left corner of the file or folders icons. The yellow dots indicate "pending backup" while the green dots indicate "backed up".

Sometimes the folder icon remains yellow, even though ALL the files inside the folder have the green dot. This looks perplexing to the user, who may erroneously think Carbonite isn't doing what it is supposed to.

It seems Carbonite sometimes has a REFRESH problem with folder dots. Meaning the dots remain yellow, indicating pending, even though ALL files in the folder are green. The resolution, direct from Carbonite's tech support gurus: right click on the folder with the erroneous yellow dot and click "do not back this up". Immediately right click again and choose "back this up". Then... press the F5 function key on the keyboard. Theses two actions nudge Carbonite to correct the erroneous yellow dot status, and it changes to green. 

ALWAYS REMEMBER: before calling for help - is it plugged in, and is it turned on? 


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