Thursday, September 29, 2016

Screen Saver to the Rescue

Plugging in... 
Some Lenovo Thinkpad laptops have an irritating power problem: no matter what settings are chosen and saved, the laptop goes to "sleep" after 2 minutes.

After grappling with an update to the power software (which did not solve the problem), the Tutor decided to use a Windows feature. Turning on the screen saver, setting the wait time for 2 minutes, unchecking Resume to logon screen, requires a mere tap of the mouse or any key on the keyboard to bring the laptop instantly back to where it left off. Since the screen saver is busy drawing something across the screen, the laptop doesn't think it's idle and won't go to sleep.

Though the problem wasn't technically "solved", this quick work around was perfect for this frequently interrupted user.

ALWAYS REMEMBER: before calling for help - is it plugged in, and is it turned on? 


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