Thursday, August 29, 2019

Best Buy Price Matching

Plugging in... 

For those of you ready to buy another computer because, um, Windows 7 fans should... you know by now Microsoft is ceasing all security updates as of January 2020. They've been saying this for a few years. You Windows 7 diehard fans need to do something soon because internet security is a very big deal.

Best Buy will always match competitors' pricing. And to prove how serious they are about this, they will let you use a computer in their store to look online for a better price. If you find a better price and show them, they will honor the lower price immediately. How's that!

How does the Tutor know all that? The Tutor brought a client shopping for a new MAC at Best Buy and the salesperson suggested we "shop" online to see if we could find the same MAC on sale. We found one on sale, and it was $100 less than the Best Buy price. Instant savings.

Read about their guarantee.

ALWAYS REMEMBER: before calling for help - is it plugged in, and is it turned on? 


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