Plugging in...
So you know I'm a computor tutor. And yes, I spell computer, COMPUTOR, because it looks better with TUTOR. No, the Tutor doesn't need a spellchecker either. My spell checker has that word added to it so it doesn't think it's an error. But I digress from the telling of the tale.
The tale. An electronics tale. Does the Tutor look like an electronics technician? A geek from the world of Tweeter who can lay 50 feet of cable in a single bound? A plasma HD TV expert who knows why the gold tipped cables are the best to use? It must be the aura of confidence exuded upon the Tutor's arrival, for why else would a client, a computor tutor client, ask the tutor if I could program their VCR to stop blinking 12:00?
Did the Tutor fix it? Of course. The Tutor also opens boxes, puts paper in copy machines, makes coffee, programs thermostats, and even "does Windows" - but you probably knew that one, right?
ALWAYS REMEMBER: before calling for help - is it plugged in, is it turned on?