Sunday, May 20, 2007


Plugging in...

Tutoring does not age discriminate. It certainly does challenge.

The oldest client to date was a retired lawyer of 94. I did not transpose the numbers (he was not 49). Did he have some challenges? Sure. Did the Tutor? Yes. Every client teaches me how to tutor better. I'm sure you're very curious what he wanted tutoring in, yes? His word processor of choice: Word Perfect for DOS. (That should tell you this was some time ago we worked together.) When he was given a newer computer, ALL his shortcuts and customized options for Word Perfect didn't make it to the new computer. He couldn't remember what they were, a backup didn't exist and the Tutor didn't know what he didn't know. But we persevered and painstakingly put together a workable group of shortcuts that were also documented on paper and he went happily about his word processing. He needed each shortcut written on an index card, which he filed in a box next to his computer. He was an intelligent man, and at 94 knew he needed some memory enhancers and wasn't afraid to ask for them.

The youngest client to date was a boy of 9 who refused to use a pencil or pen to write. Aside from this one idiosyncrasy, he was a normal child. No, really, he was. He already had a computer and was very literate in its use, including knowledge of the keyboard. Watch most children on a computer, they have little trouble mousing around, even if they can't read! They learn quicker because they don't know that every action has a consequence. Plus, they don't have to pay the computer repair person, do they?

So what was the Tutor's role in this tale? The Tutor was hired to buy and install a typing tutor software program, and to tutor him in correctly using his word processor. Think 9 years old. Think short attention span. He no more wanted to learn using his word processor than he wanted to go to bed early. He wanted to show me drawings, talk about his swimming, anything but do what the Tutor was hired to do. To work with someone this young required compromising. The Tutor had to talk about dinosaurs and the young lad had to write about what he did on his summer vacation. We worked it out - some fun, some work. Balance. It's always about balance.

ALWAYS REMEMBER: before calling for help - is it plugged in, is it turned on?
