Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Where Does the Money GO?

Plugging in...

Being savvy consumers, the Tutor's clientele should be aware of exactly where their money goes once they have called, seen and paid the Tutor for services rendered.

The breakdown follows for one hour of the Tutor's time:

Returning phone calls and responding to emails
Research and Education
Round Trip Transportation of Tutor to Client
Parking and tolls (if required)
Solutions to the client's current list of questions and/or concerns
Use of Tutor's tools (CD, DVD, flash drives, utility software, etc.)
Transportation maintenance
Maintaining the Tutor's home office
Monthly charitable donation through www.kiva.org
If classroom training, handouts and lab materials
Profit (maybe!)

You knew the Tutor didn't just cash the check and pocket all the proceeds, right? It's not as easy as the Tutor makes it look!

ALWAYS REMEMBER: before calling for help - is it plugged in, and is it turned on?


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