Sunday, June 28, 2009

Lightning Strikes Twice

Plugging in...

Can lightning strike twice in the same place? Can, did, documented by an unfortunate Tutor client. Suffice it to say, surge protectors, lightning rods and wishful thinking just ain't enough to keep the lightning away and it can be very destructive, nevermind costly.

Originating Technology/ NASA Contribution

Contrary to popular misconception, lightning often strikes the same place twice. Certain conditions are just ripe for a bolt of electricity to come zapping down; and a lightning strike is powerful enough to do a lot of damage wherever it hits. NASA created the Accurate Location of Lightning Strikes technology to determine the ground strike point of lightning and prevent electrical damage in the immediate vicinity of the Space Shuttle launch pads at Kennedy Space Center.

UNPLUG, UNPLUG, UNPLUG. If you're going to be away for more than a day, OR if you know there are short-term forecasts for thunderstorms, UNPLUG, UNPLUG, UNPLUG. This applies to ANY electrical item you hold near and dear.

A surge guard is OK for minimal day-to-day power surges that most people are completely unaware of. If lightning strikes, a surge guard will be destroyed along with anything it was supposed to be protecting. Cheaper surge protectors wear out over time, with no way of testing their status. Surge guards (suppressors) are not guaranteed against lightning strikes (read the packaging or instructions).

ALWAYS REMEMBER: before calling for help - is it plugged in, is there a storm in the forecast, and is it turned on?


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