Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Expensive Ink

Plugging in...

The ink jet printer won't print, but doesn't give any kind of error message? A bit like being ill without symptons. Older ink jet printers don't always have those little helpers called "monitors" that shout out long before the ink is gone, BUY MORE, BUY MORE.

The Tutor's client checked all cable connections and they were Okey-Dokey. Power was turned on. Paper inserted correctly and not jammed. Hmmmm. Try inserting a new ink cartridge. Sometimes black, sometimes color, sometimes both. Just do it. Try to print. Chances are the printer will click and clack to life.

Make another list and check it twice before calling the Tutor or that already pricey ink cartridge is going to be a whole lot more expensive! Since checking an ink cartridge is a lesson in futility (one can't usually tell by looking or shaking if it's empty, half full, or new), always have spares on hand for one never knows how much ink will an ink jet print before an ink jet decides to STOP?

ALWAYS REMEMBER: before calling for help - is it plugged in, did you try a new ink cartridge, and is it turned on?


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