Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Classic "Unplugged"

Plugging in...

There is a reason the blog is titled : "UNPLUGGED"

Typical client call comes in, a distressing situation; this one relates to the My Essentials backup unit. The blog readers all know how the Tutor hounds everyone to have a backup plan in place and to use it. Well, this backup plan was in place and was being used, until the backup tab at the top of the software was unclickable (commonly called being grayed out).

Not only was the backup tab unavailable, but the software was hounding the Tutor's client to update the software. And the client tried, wasn't sure what to update (it's never easy - firmware or software or both) so the call was placed to yours truly. The Tutor attempted to advise the client via the telephone (some people still use the phone to communicate, imagine?) but to no avail.

Knock, knock. Tutor arrives and sees the same situation the client described over the phone. Except for one, tiny difference. When asked about the backup unit for the Tutor could not see it, the client showed the Tutor it was next to the desk, and when picked up had the tell-tale light of power clearly on. But as most of you know, some things not only have a power cord, they also have a cable...

The USB cable which connects the backup unit to the computer was dangling like a ripe banana from a tree. Like magic, when connected, the backup tab was illuminated and the backup was initiated immediately, without updating software or firmware.

We didn't let it go at just the backup. When software has an update, it is generally for your own good to have it. When the unit has a firmware update (firmware is still a software program but is stored INSIDE the hardware in ROM (read only memory), it too is usually a good thing. So we did what all good users should do, and we updated. Took several deep breaths, chanted a couple of oomms and made peace with the computing world.

ALWAYS REMEMBER: before calling for help - is it plugged in, is there more than one thing to plug in, and is it turned on?


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