Wednesday, January 6, 2016

iMapping and Popping Email Accounts

Plugging in...

iMap: Internet Message Access Protocol
POP: Post Office Protocol

We've been "pop-ing" emails for years and being a bit cranky about not having the ability to delete an email on one device (computer, phone, tablet, watch) and have it deleted on all of our other devices (an oversimplified definition of POP email). Some email programs addressed our CRANKINESS and began offering an iMap style of email which can (it's a choice) delete the email on all devices, if deleted on one (an oversimplified definition of iMap email).

Switching over from POP email to iMap email requires some work by you, the user or me, the Tutor. An existing POP account cannot be changed to an iMap, one must create a new email account using iMap settings and if emails were saved in the POP email account, one must manually move them to the new account. The more one has to move, the longer it will take AND if there are saved pictures, it will take even longer.

NOTE: Not all email programs offer iMap and not all allow the movement of saved emails from one account to another.

ALWAYS REMEMBER: before calling for help - is it plugged in, and is it turned on?


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