Friday, March 25, 2011

Can You See Me Now?

Plugging in...

Oh yes, the Outlook 2003 email could easily be seen at this gi-gantitron size of 300%, from across the room! It only took on this enlarged appearance when the Tutor's client clicked the Reply button. No email recipient received the email at 300% either. Nor did it print in this behemoth size.

Hmm. No view buttons in Outlook changed the email size. No Options in Outlook were selected to change the font size of all replies. Hmm. Outlook 2003 has more than one option for what program is used to create and send email. And if a user wants their composed email to look all gussied up (fancy name for formatted), using word processing style features, then Outlook isn't using what is commonly known as an email editor. No siree Bob, it's using one of it's own: Microsoft Word.

And lo and behold, if using Word 2003 as the email editor, not only do all the Word features make themselves available to use in the email, but Word has its own view menu item that controls the size of the on-screen text only, zooming, as it is usually called. Once 100% was chosen from the menu (after clicking on reply), the client's email life was pretty much back to normal: too many emails, too little time, but just the right size for replying.

ALWAYS REMEMBER: before calling for help - is it plugged in, is it ZOOMED, and is it turned on?


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