Wednesday, December 30, 2015

Floppy Disk Seek Failure... WHAT??

Plugging in... 

Sometimes there just isn't a sane, logical answer to "how did this happen", or "what did I do" to make my computer behave this way. As in a recent client's sudden message that appeared when the computer was turned on one morning: "floppy disk seek failure, press F1 to continue or F2 for setup". 

This Dell computer never had a floppy disk drive but one fine day, it began searching for one. This confused the owner, not just the message, but it begged the question: what is a floppy disk and why is it being sought? Anyone out there remember the good old days of floppy disk storage?

The answer was to press F2 when the computer started up and paused displaying the failure message. Pressing the F2 function key (not the letter F and the number 2) enters the land of system setup and confusing BIOS setting where one can choose to disable any reference to a floppy drive which the Tutor did.

But HOW did it go from being perfectly happy not seeking a floppy disk drive for years, to desperately seeking one at each startup? Who knows. The Tutor can tell the readers for sure that it wasn't a software update because Dell updates were turned off and the computer was running Windows XP for which Microsoft discontinued updates in April of 2014.

Acceptance is the key, and understanding why is over-rated, not to mention time consuming and potentially costly.

ALWAYS REMEMBER: before calling for help - is it plugged in, and is it turned on? 


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