Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Another Successful Adoption

Plugging in...

The Tutor placed another desktop computer today in a single-parent, no child home. The desktop was very happy as it was fluffed and buffed and made to look like new. Internet, email and ancestry.com were the major activities of choice, while music was making a strong advance through Windows Media Player.

One thing to always remember about adopting a computer: they all have a challenge or two. Some are slow, some are dented and scratched, some run hot, some are loud. Whatever their challenges, the homes they are placed in are far better than the trash hovels they would have ended up in, unused and unloved. The elder computer has wisdom, let's use it until the all its wisdom has been imparted.

ALWAYS REMEMBER: before calling for help - is it plugged in, and is it turned on?


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