Tuesday, January 27, 2015

Kindle Capers

Plugging in... 

What happens when you cross an Amazon Kindle with the Kindle App on an iPad? Usually they play nice and SHARE the book being read, whether it was first obtained on the Kindle or the iPad. Yesterday, though, a Kindle and iPad play date went astray.

It should have been easy, they "sync", right? Indeed they do, but only if the same email address was used to register the Kindle and the Kindle App on the iPad. It took some tedious detective work to discover that there was an old email address registered for the Kindle AND... Amazon does not have an edit email address for the Kindle, if the registered email address is defunct!

One must DEREGISTER the Kindle and REGISTER the Kindle using the email address that was used on the iPad Kindle App. You don't even want to know the other solution that Amazon presented, ridiculously long, convoluted and unnecessary! Something about merging the accounts, waiting several hours, calling tech support back...

ALWAYS REMEMBER: before calling for help - is it plugged in, was there ANOTHER email address from your past somewhere, and is it turned on?


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