Wednesday, March 23, 2016

Too Much of a Good Thing

Plugging in... 

The Thunderbird email program is a popular competitor of Outlook, and it's free. A recent client had a most unusual experience with Thunderbird. Each time the Thunderbird desktop shortcut was used to open the email, more than 50 copies of the Inbox opened (not a typo), one atop the other. The client had to wait for all the inboxes to load before having access to the email. Much patience was required, this was not a quick process.

Although the fix was simple, the diagnostics were more time-consuming. Instead of using the shortcut to open Thunderbird, the Tutor located the file (called an executable) that makes Thunderbird go. When Thunderbird was started from the original file, instead of from the shortcut... only a single copy of the Inbox opened.

The solution: deleted the shortcut on the desktop and created another shortcut. Problem solved, though it remains a mystery why the original shortcut became corrupted. It was IDENTICAL to the newly created shortcut. Go figure.

ALWAYS REMEMBER: before calling for help - is it plugged in, and is it turned on? 


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